How does someone verify who is an admin - who is real and who is not

Just need to know what method Pancakeswap has for newbies to know who is legit admin trying to help and who is not

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:rotating_light:WILL NEVER SEND YOU A DM FIRST :rotating_light:

:rotating_light:WILL NEVER ASK YOU FOR FUNDS :rotating_light:

:rotating_light:WILL NEVER ASK FOR YOUR PRIVATE KEYS/SEED PHRASE :rotating_light:

If anyone sends a DM to you first saying they are an admin or from Pancakeswap support BLOCK.

Pancakeswap does not have a separate support team! You should always ask your questions in our official chat: Pancakeswap Global Group.

If you need help from a Pancakeswap admin in private, first ask in global chat

Don’t get scammed by fake accounts who impersonate Pancakeswap Chefs or Admins.

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but then how do i know who to contact
no one has an answer

in the official pancakeswap telegram group. not dm

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since I know you are an admin since I saw you listed on the group admin list - I recognize you - do you know of anyone who can help me try to recover the crypto through private message so the scammer does not know we are trying to recover

last night someone was able to verify that the crypto was still sitting in the scammers trust wallet

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I was given some methods last night, but do not know what to use and what not to
. since it is a rare crypto and trustwallet is the only place to park it at the moment, there may still be some time, but i need to know who to talk to, etc

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It is not possible to recover cryptocurrencies stolen by scammers. You can report it to centralized exchanges so they can monitor the actions of their wallets.

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Also, just a heads up as far as this situation goes, I’m not sure what methodology they used, but it may be still possible for them to access your wallet and authorize transactions without your knowledge so you may want to conduct an audit on your wallet address just to make sure it DOESNT have any suspicious authorizations in place that cause this kinda thing.

Put simply In an example:

When I was new to crypto I was AirDrop some weird token that seemingly had a valuation of $5000 or some weird amount randomly into my Wallet. Here’s where the scammer gets you;

— When you go to interact with any swap feature in DeFi The token typically requires That you allow authorization before being able to interact with it and move it around like in a swap

—- Because I had authorized that token’s contract, I had unknowingly granted the creator of it access to not just that single token on the Binance chain, but apparently any token that was on the Binance chain I was holding :scream:

— Which I only learned after setting up a little tracking feature of the stealers wallet address it was sent to and noticing that not only had it withdrawn 200 USDT on BSC From my wallet as well, conveniently to the same address, but that it was draining tons of tokens on BSC chain from a ton of other wallets!

— Turns out it’s an easy fix, You simply need to “revoke” the authorization which only costs a few cents depending on the source chain.

Hopefully, it’s all been handled and that’s Not the situation for you, however, if you’d like some resources to ensure your Wallet isn’t compromised moving forward @Juapia & myself Are happy to provide some Resource resources no problem at all :smiling_face:

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Yes, there may be something like that in my Trustwallet as I found one more trade for an insignificant amount.

Trust wallet has difficult customer service but I will try.

Thank you for telling me about it. Just for information, if you or anyone you know has knowledge of a platform to trade BTCBR, and not just buy it, I would be interested.

I have found people who mistakenly purchased some, but then could not do anything with it.

I have checked US, Canada, and UK with a couple leads to try in Brazil.

All the best - and one last thing - how do I know who is admin and who is not in the chats? i have no idea what the badges, etc look like.

Subject: Inquiry About Adding Token Logo on PancakeSwap

Dear Juapia,

I appreciate the important security reminder you shared on the PancakeSwap forum regarding impersonation and scams. Thank you for helping to protect the community.

I have a question regarding the process of adding a token logo on PancakeSwap. I have come across different sources suggesting that submitting a request via the TrustWallet repository and making a payment is required, but I also learned that this process demands a significant number of holders and trading volume, making it nearly impossible for new tokens.

Additionally, a user named ChefMaroon shared a link, and I followed the submission steps, but I have not received any results. I also noticed that the Telegram link provided does not allow direct messaging or chat access to the support team. Meanwhile, several fake “PancakeSwap” accounts on Telegram are offering logo listing services, including one with over 53K followers.

Could you kindly confirm:

  1. Is it possible to add a token logo on PancakeSwap without using the TrustWallet repository and without paying a fee?
  2. If there is an alternative official process, could you please share the correct link or form to submit a request?

I would greatly appreciate any guidance on this matter. If there are official admins or support team members who can assist, please feel free to reply here or contact me at

Thank you in advance for your time and assistance.

Best regards

I do not know, but i do know of someone who has a site and account like what you described. I could ask him what he knows if you want. Do not know if he will answer, but i can try.

no payment is required. You can follow Chef Maroon instructions or you can add easily: Commonly Asked Business Partnerships Questions | PancakeSwap