Proposal: Weekly Quests on PancakeSwap Prediction

The idea is to leverage PancakeSwap Quests to create weekly quests around the Prediction game on each blockchain that already supports this feature. These quests would attract more players, increase activity on Prediction, and make the game popular across all blockchains.

### Example of Quests:

1. Regular Participation Quest:

  • PancakeSwap would create a weekly quest with a $500 prize pool for participants on BNB Chain (for example).
  • To be eligible, players must have played at least 10 rounds during the week, with a minimum bet of $5 per round.
  • At the end of the week, 10 players will be randomly selected from all those who meet the criteria and share the prize pool.

2. High Bet Volume Quest:

  • Another quest could involve placing at least $500 in cumulative bets over a week on Prediction.
  • Again, 10 randomly selected players would share $500.

These quests could be deployed on each blockchain where Prediction is available (such as Arbitrum, BNB Chain, etc.), allowing users to participate in different quests on the blockchain of their choice.

### Objective of the Quests:
These weekly quests would:

  • Boost activity on Prediction, especially on blockchains where the game is less popular (e.g., Arbitrum).
  • Self-finance the quests through the fees collected during Prediction rounds.
  • Encourage continuous activity across all blockchains, motivating users to “farm” these quests continuously.

### The CAKE Burn:
With increased activity on all blockchains simultaneously, the CAKE burn could reach significant levels. We’ve already seen high volumes and a notable CAKE burn during the Prediction contest on Arbitrum. However, since the contest ended, most rounds on Arbitrum are now empty.

With this system of regular quests, players will always be active, switching from one blockchain to another, drawn by the quests and motivated by the weekly rewards. This will help maintain high activity on Prediction at all times.

### Interconnection of Blockchains:
Players will be encouraged to switch between different blockchains, especially during the bullrun, betting on the rise of ETH, BNB, or other cryptocurrencies depending on the blockchain they are playing on. This strategy will ensure that active rounds are always available across all blockchains, maximizing transaction volumes.

### Quick Implementation and Security:
Since the quest system is already active on PancakeSwap, this proposal would not require heavy development that might compromise the security of the platform. The idea is simple, well-thought-out, and tested: it works on paper as well as in practice (thank to arbitrum prediction contest), and could be operational quickly without delaying the release of V4.

It could be implemented either before or after V4, depending on priorities. However, given that you’re looking for funding for V4, if Prediction activity is boosted and becomes a massive success, this could potentially open up new funding opportunities—who knows, perhaps even helping to fund some of the hooks through revenue generated by Prediction?

### Expected Impact:

  • Increased volume in Prediction games across all blockchains hosting the game.
  • Maximized CAKE burn, making the token even more attractive.
  • Player retention, through participation in weekly quests with rewards.

In conclusion, a portion of the fees collected on Prediction would be allocated to fund these quests, ensuring a self-financed model while increasing the appeal of Prediction across all networks.

This approach would capture a broad and active audience across all blockchains, maximizing the CAKE burn, and optimizing community engagement—all while keeping the approach simple and secure for PancakeSwap.

PS : Additionally, this same proposal could be adapted to the Lottery game without any difficulty and could give it a much-needed boost in player activity and engagement.

— GoddessDefi

Clarifications on the Weekly Quest Funding Plan for Prediction

The funding for these weekly quests should come exclusively from the fees collected in each Prediction round. Every week, thousands of dollars in CAKE are burned from the Prediction game fees, and this is where we should draw the resources to launch the quest system for Prediction.

As mentioned in the Medium article regarding the launch of PancakeSwap Prediction on Arbitrum, it was stated that a share of the collected fees would now be used for other purpose than just burning cake : " Fees: 3% of each round’s total pot to the treasury, with a portion of the fees used for buyback and burn. The remaining fees will be used in the treasury for future marketing and development.". This presents an excellent opportunity to redirect some of those funds towards quest rewards without undermining the CAKE burn mechanism.

There’s no need to start with massive rewards right away. We can gradually introduce smaller rewards to avoid significantly impacting the amount of CAKE burned from Prediction, allowing us to maintain a balanced approach.

By utilizing these collected fees, we can launch the quest system sustainably and continue to boost engagement on all blockchains that support Prediction.

Thanks for the suggestion! Unfortunately our current Quest product doesn’t allow us to reward such activities, so this would not be possible.

In general, these products should also function on their own and not have to rely on external incentives to gain or maintain traction, even if the incentives are provided by the revenue it generates.

Ultimately, the north star for a good product is if the CAKE burn exceeds the CAKE emission towards it.