Enable USDT/XSGD (0.01% fee tier) V3 on ETH chain and USDT/XUSD (0.05% fee tier) V3 on BNB chain


  • We are seeking to enable 2 gauges on PancakeSwap. USDT/XSGD (0.01% fee tier) V3 on ETH chain and USDT/XUSD (0.05% fee tier) V3 on BNB chain. With the deployment of $1M in liquidity in each of the V3 pools on PancakeSwap.


  1. StraitsX is the payment infrastructure for digital assets in Southeast Asia, regulated by the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS). An MPI-licensed on/off ramp provider and SCS-licensed stablecoin issuer of XUSD, XSGD & XIDR - enabling our partners with a suite of payment solutions, FX and on/off ramping capabilities.
  2. A 30-day yield farm that gives $40k annualized CAKE incentives for both pools
  3. Increase liquidity in a capital-efficient way with $1 bribe = $1.5 CAKE incentives
  4. We will leave the CAKE incentives for users to take advantage of and not stake our POL in the Farm to encourage more community users to provide liquidity in the 2 pairs
  5. Co-marketing with PancakeSwap team (tweets, AMAs, weekly podcasts)


  1. Boost 1x Multiplier and 0.5% Emission Cap
  2. Audits: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1csJ_ZkHOUyZupAeAQfVLUcYDw0IamI8Y?usp=sharing
  3. Token Utility: XSGD and XUSD address real-world financial pain points through stablecoin-enabled cross-border payments, bringing traditional FX markets on-chain and as the underlying currency for assets tokenization.
  4. Volatility: XSGD and XUSD are stablecoins, pegged 1-1 to SGD and USD respectively, fully collateralized and underwritten. Normal volatility
  5. Oracles: No oracles are used
  6. Control: The owner of the Token contract is a SAFE multisig wallet, XSGD/XUSD-ERC is 0x5CA62202B9059C69Ab3d05c76B0BB49D8dbf2562
  7. Merit: Increases liquidity provisioning, trading volume, additional investors and lock rate.


  1. Token address: XSGD (ERC20) - 0x70e8dE73cE538DA2bEEd35d14187F6959a8ecA96, XUSD (BEP20) - 0xF81aC2E1A0373ddE1BcE01E2Fe694a9b7E3bfcB9
  2. Liquidity pool address:
    USDT/XUSD (BNB) - Exchange | PancakeSwap / PancakeV3Pool | Address 0xe2625c92dda2a0539f9091a6f6a748a907dbd350 | BscScan
    USDT/XSGD (ETH) - Exchange | PancakeSwap / PancakeV3Pool | Address 0x2fc7f95f25792264c42aafa13f77ed63dff50b9e | Etherscan
  3. Website: https://www.straitsx.com
  4. Socials: X , LinkedIn
  5. Documentation: Whitepaper
  6. Github: https://github.com/StraitsX/evm-stablecoin
  7. Any other relevant links: Coinmarketcap XSGD, XUSD
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Thank you for your application! The Kitchen has enabled the USDT/XSGD (0.01% fee tier) V3 gauges on ETH and USDT/XUSD (0.05% fee tier) V3 gauge on BNB chain each with 1x boost multiplier and 0.5% emissions cap.