- We are seeking to enable 2 gauges on PancakeSwap. USDT/XSGD (0.01% fee tier) V3 on ETH chain and USDT/XUSD (0.05% fee tier) V3 on BNB chain. With the deployment of $1M in liquidity in each of the V3 pools on PancakeSwap.
- StraitsX is the payment infrastructure for digital assets in Southeast Asia, regulated by the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS). An MPI-licensed on/off ramp provider and SCS-licensed stablecoin issuer of XUSD, XSGD & XIDR - enabling our partners with a suite of payment solutions, FX and on/off ramping capabilities.
- A 30-day yield farm that gives $40k annualized CAKE incentives for both pools
- Increase liquidity in a capital-efficient way with $1 bribe = $1.5 CAKE incentives
- We will leave the CAKE incentives for users to take advantage of and not stake our POL in the Farm to encourage more community users to provide liquidity in the 2 pairs
- Co-marketing with PancakeSwap team (tweets, AMAs, weekly podcasts)
- Boost 1x Multiplier and 0.5% Emission Cap
- Audits: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1csJ_ZkHOUyZupAeAQfVLUcYDw0IamI8Y?usp=sharing
- Token Utility: XSGD and XUSD address real-world financial pain points through stablecoin-enabled cross-border payments, bringing traditional FX markets on-chain and as the underlying currency for assets tokenization.
- Volatility: XSGD and XUSD are stablecoins, pegged 1-1 to SGD and USD respectively, fully collateralized and underwritten. Normal volatility
- Oracles: No oracles are used
- Control: The owner of the Token contract is a SAFE multisig wallet, XSGD/XUSD-ERC is 0x5CA62202B9059C69Ab3d05c76B0BB49D8dbf2562
- Merit: Increases liquidity provisioning, trading volume, additional investors and lock rate.
- Token address: XSGD (ERC20) - 0x70e8dE73cE538DA2bEEd35d14187F6959a8ecA96, XUSD (BEP20) - 0xF81aC2E1A0373ddE1BcE01E2Fe694a9b7E3bfcB9
- Liquidity pool address:
USDT/XUSD (BNB) - Exchange | PancakeSwap / PancakeV3Pool | Address 0xe2625c92dda2a0539f9091a6f6a748a907dbd350 | BscScan
USDT/XSGD (ETH) - Exchange | PancakeSwap / PancakeV3Pool | Address 0x2fc7f95f25792264c42aafa13f77ed63dff50b9e | Etherscan - Website: https://www.straitsx.com
- Socials: X , LinkedIn
- Documentation: Whitepaper
- Github: https://github.com/StraitsX/evm-stablecoin
- Any other relevant links: Coinmarketcap XSGD, XUSD