Enable SDT/WETH 1% V3 Bril Vault gauges on Arbitrum


  • We propose enabling the two gauges of the vaults managed by Bril for SDT/ETH and ETH/SDT on Arbitrum.


  • SDT has already two vaults enabled on BNB Bril position manager
  • Stake DAO incentivises both vaults via votes incentives on veCAKE Votemarket
  • Following this succes, we propose enabling the two gauges of the vaults managed by Bril on Arbitrum for SDT liquidity.
  • Link to the previous proposal: Transfer the SDT/BNB DefiEdge Gauge to Bril vaults


  1. Boost Multiplier and Emission Cap % : 1x / 0.5%
  2. Audits: :closed_lock_with_key: Audits โ€“ Stake DAO Documentation
  3. Token Utility: veSDT allows users to boost their voting power on various protocols (Curve, Balancer, Frax, Pendle, etc.) and now on PancakeSwap, allowing them to increase their votes incentives revenue.
  4. Volatility: SDT is a governance token with normal volatility
  5. Oracles: no oracle is used by Stake DAO
  6. Control: currently a 4/7 multisig including doxxed individuals. Soon an onchain governance contract (it has been voted but is being implemented)


  1. Token address: 0x07715EE7219B07b8e01CC7d2787f4e5e75860383
  2. Liquidity pool addresses on Arbitrum:

wETH - SDT 0x7ECeC5056b86fD61F27038201dB7586cB1EB2DCF
SDT - wETH 0x718a0C0D94f5601C1F0bFd05E71590F81Cf8B414

  1. Website: https://www.stakedao.org/
  2. Socials: Twitter: StakeDAOHQ - Telegram: Telegram: Contact @StakedaoHQ
  3. Documentation: https://docs.stakedao.org/
  4. Github: Stake DAO ยท GitHub
  5. Coingecko: Stake DAO Price: SDT Live Price Chart, Market Cap & News Today | CoinGecko

Pool address: https://arbiscan.io/address/0xa08eb880223fab5e36e9e477461dc13f09825058

Thank you for your application! The Kitchen has enabled the SDT/WETH (1% fee tier) and WETH/SDT (1% fee tier) ALM gauges from Bril Finance on Arbitrum with 1x boost multiplier and 0.5% emissions cap.

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