Enable GRAI/USDC (0.01% fee tier) V3 gauge on zkEVM and zkSync


The proposal seeks to introduce a GRAI/USDC liquidity pool with a 0.01% fee tier on zkEVM and zkSync. This initiative aims to enhance the liquidity and accessibility of GRAI, the native debt token of the Gravita Protocol, facilitating more efficient and cost-effective transactions within the ecosystem.


Gravita Protocol is a friendly fork of Liquity. It is an interest-free, non-custodial borrowing platform that advances censorship-resistant stablecoins and the decentralization of Ethereum. GRAI is its native debt token, designed to support high-quality LSTs as collateral while excluding censorable assets. The protocol leverages a stability pool for liquidations and redemptions to maintain peg stability.

The intention behind this proposal is to improve GRAI’s liquidity on Layer 2 solutions (zkEVM and zkSync), promoting broader adoption and utility across Ethereum’s scaling solutions. This is in line with Gravita’s mission to facilitate seamless and affordable borrowing and lending services, enhancing the protocol’s utility and value within the ecosystem.


  • Audits: Audits - Gravita Protocol Docs
  • Token Utility: GRAI serves as a debt token within Gravita Protocol, enabling interest-free borrowing against collateral.
  • Volatility: GRAI’s price stability is strategically managed through a combination of hard and soft peg mechanisms, designed to dampen volatility and maintain its peg close to 1 USD. Despite these mechanisms, it’s important to recognize that GRAI’s price can fluctuate within certain ranges in decentralized markets due to its design and the recovery mode feature of Gravita Protocol.

Hard Peg Mechanisms: These provide a foundational price floor and ceiling for GRAI through direct arbitrage opportunities. Users can redeem GRAI for collateral within Gravita’s Vessels or mint GRAI at a 90% Loan-to-Value (LTV) ratio against WETH. This design ensures a more stable price range for GRAI, preventing it from regularly exceeding its peg, which could deter its implementation in other protocols over time.

Soft Peg Mechanisms: In addition to the hard peg, GRAI benefits from less direct mechanisms that contribute to its price stability. As GRAI’s market price moves below or above its 1 USD peg, opportunities emerge for both borrowers and depositors to engage in profitable activities, further stabilizing its price. One notable soft peg mechanism is the concept of parity as a Schelling point; the protocol’s design inherently encourages users to treat 1 GRAI as equivalent to 1 USD, promoting an equilibrium state where the token’s value aligns with this parity, although it is not guaranteed. This approach to managing GRAI’s volatility makes it a volatility-dampened token, though users are advised to be cautious and fully informed when interacting with the Gravita Protocol, acknowledging the potential for price movements beyond the expected ranges.

  • Oracles: An Oracle integration is being build with DIA
  • Control: Gravita’s governance token is not live yet. Gravita uses proxy smart contracts with a 2 days timelock protected by a 5/7 multisig.
  • Merit: Enabling the GRAI/USDC pool on zkEVM and zkSync would benefit the broader ecosystem by increasing trading volume, attracting new users, and promoting fee generation through more efficient and scalable transactions.




we would like to request a gauge also for the 5bps version of this pool on both zkSync and zkEVM.

LP Address for zkEVM 5bps: 0x39aCc7cf02af19A1eB0e3628bA0F5C48f44beBF3
LP Address for zkSync 5bps: 0x6c94C8651063C1aA67f9C15284235a3D13cD383C
LP Address for zkSync 1bps: 0xA9e8fb4462A4140a2cec9E4fcdFa592AA6B786Ed

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Thank you for your application! The Kitchen has enabled the following gauges:

  1. The GRAI/USDC (0.05% fee tier) V3 gauge on zkSync
  2. The GRAI/USDC (0.01% fee tier) V3 gauge on zkSync

both with 1x boost multiplier and 1% emissions cap.

The GRAI/USDC (0.05% fee tier) v3 gauge on Polygon zkEVM was previously already whitelisted.



Thank you very much for your help. We realized that our zkEVM pool use a deprecated USDC address: we just created a new pool with the new USDC.e Unified Standard Address: PancakeV3Pool | Address 0x160f3d3af6a2ece5274afd0925137e0387baa5f2 | Polygon zkEVM

We would love for this one to have a gauge too. Thanks in advance for your help

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