VeCake management

This proposal is a joint proposal from Vidocq Stoekenbroek and Sebabesse

Current mechanism to lock Cake for VeCake has a “all or nothing”rule in place. A user with an existing position wishing to lock more, is only able to add more to the preexisting locking period. Users willing to have VeCake positions with different locking periods can only do so by using multiple wallets.

This has potentially a large impact on the quantity of Cake locked as holders may see this as a lack of flexibility. Extremely large quantities of Cake entered circulating supply due to the end of the old Cake pool and nothing else absorbed this supply. Introducing more flexibility may be a way to attract more holders to lock their Cake.

This proposal suggests to bring flexibility to the VeCake pool by introducing management tools for locked positions similar to what exists in other projects. Such as Cellana finance to name one. When locking Cake, holders should have the possibility to append an existing position or to create a new one with a different locking period using a single wallet. Holders should also be able to split an existing position if they wish to extend the locking period of only a portion of their locked Cake.

Finally, holders should be able to merge positions where the final locking period is the longest of the two positions merged.


personally i just use different wallets, but i can understand its a bit annoying.

people didnt leave because of the way veCAKE locks work, they left because the APR number went down.

i gues it would be nice to be able to extend a portion of locked investment rather then all
or none


Isnt pcs ath. Last bull we got safemoon and others when pcs 40+ reached. Now we need pcs in all wallets on solana swap en farms and staking. Solana has volumes pcs has already everything in place…i say to all pcs fans. Team did everything right. Only i think much is timing and more.

This and more advanced features that provide value to users are included in the Ve (3,3) VeTokenomics model which is becoming popular nowdays (Thena, Aerodrome, Ramses, Velodrome and more) and i strongly believe that this is the only road after V4 for Pancakeswap!
Please read my recent post about it here: Why VeCake shall go to Ve(3,3)

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