Proposal to enable wBNB-LTP (1% fee tier) ALM gauge from CupcakeHop on BNB Chain
- BNB is the native token of the BNB Chain blockchain.
- LTP is the governance token of Listapie. Through LTP, users can benefit from the growth of Listapie and actively participate on the platform.
- Cupcake Hop offers cross-chain vaults and portfolio management tools with AI-driven insights for smarter and sweeter investment decisions.
- Boost Multiplier and Emission Cap %: 1.00x boost multiplier and 5% emission cap
Token Utility: LTP allows users to earn rewards and access voting power within the Lista DAO and Listapie Ecosystems.
Volatility: Not pegged asset
Oracles: No oracles used
Control: The LTP token contract is not upgradable, so it has no owner.
Which address holds the private keys to the Position Manager vault contract?
If it’s a multisig, please indicate: X of Y signers needed for transactions
Address: 0x05cC3CA6E768a68A7f86b09e3ceE754437bd5f12
Signers: Needs 2/5 addresses to sign a transaction
Merit: By whitelisting the wBNB-LTP ALM from CupcakeHop, PancakeSwap can potentially attract more TVL and generate trading fees while voters within the ecosystem can earn voting incentives.
Vault Strategy (for Position Managers only):
Strategy: YieldIQ
The YieldIQ strategy for Listapie is designed to accept only BNB deposits, with the goal of deepening liquidity for the LTP tokens. When users deposit BNB, it is allocated to a V3 pool paired with LTP. This liquidity is positioned below the market price of LTP, passively buying and trading these tokens while keeping liquidity providers predominantly long on BNB, as the vault maintains over 75% of its assets in BNB. Detailed vault strategy can be found here.
- LTP Token Address
- Liquidity Pool Address
- Position Manager Strategy Address: wBNB-LTP
- Listapie Website
- Cupcake Hop Website
- Listapie: Not public
Any other relevant links: Listapie Blog