Enable ACS/BNB (1.00% fee tier) V3 gauge on BNB Chain


ACryptoS is an established protocol, launched in the same period as PancakeSwap in 2020. As part of our latest developments, we were one of the first liquidity managers to build automated vaults on top of PCS V3 when it launched.

We would like to further our integration with PancakeSwap by having a V3 gauge, and bribing the pair as part of our collaboration.

Protocol Details + PCS v3 Integration

In 2023, ACryptoS started developing Automated Conc. Liquidity Manager (ACLM) vaults for PCS v3 pairs.

  • Dynamic setting of positions and ranges
  • Automated rebalancing for optimal yields
  • Simplified single-token deposit system

We have launched 13 vault pairs for PCS v3 (BSC) up to now, and we’re looking to expand to more pairs and chains as TVL grows. Our strategies help PCS v3 users simplify managing their liquidity, and improve swap rates on PCS through our narrow concentration of LP ranges.

Gauge Details

We intend to bribe $1000 value in $ACS token over the current and next epoch (1 epoch = 2 weeks), and potentially scale up the bribes if the results are positive.

Boost Multiplier and Emission Cap %
1.00x boost multiplier and 5% emission cap

Link to docs (Security & Risks | ACryptoS)

Token Utility
The $ACS token receives value via fees generated by our protocol’s vaults. Fees collected by our vaults go to our Treasury, and are used to buyback and burn $ACS tokens at various intervals.

The $ACS token also serves as our protocol’s governance token for DAO decisions via Snapshot.

N/A (not a pegged token)


Dev EOA 0xB9a81e121d8C9D619682bB9dDB6823439178F2f8
$ACS tokenomics has been voted via governance to be max-capped with no more emissions.

ACryptoS has had an established and loyal community since 2020. Our current liquidity is mainly in Uniswap V3 (BSC), and there have been many requests from our users to establish a farm integration for the $ACS token.

As we have already built multiple vaults on top of PCS v3 with our ACLM strategies, we believe this gauge will further integrate both protocols together via users and co-marketing, subsequently bringing more liquidity and volume to PancakeSwap,


  1. Token address
    ACryptoS: ACS Token | Address 0x8888888888f004100C0353d657BE6300587A6CcD | BscScan
  2. Liquidity pool address
  3. Website
  4. Socials
    Telegram: Contact @acryptos
  5. Documentation
  6. Github
    Advanced Crypto Strategies · GitHub

Please add the link to your liquidity pool address

Liquidity pool address:


Could you please share the audits for the ACLM vaults?

The ACLM product is derived from strategies proven in our previously audited contracts. It hasn’t gone through an external audit yet. The ACLM vaults have operated with stability for over a year now, and our protocol has been operational for close to 4 years now without any security incidents.

We will not proceed with whitelisting of the ACS gauge for now due to our security and market metrics requirements.

We appreciate your efforts and encourage you to reapply in the future, if there are changes in these two aspects.

Thanks for the reply. We’ll look into these.

Do you mind explaining what you mean by market metrics requirements? Thanks!

In general, they refer to volume and TVL metrics against similar pairs

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